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163 Million U.S. Adults Read a Newspaper
Escrito el 07 Nov 2011
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Local newspaper websites rank first among all local media sources for trustworthiness, credibility and being most informative. ("Site Matters", comScore, 2009) Newspaper advertising, in print and online, is cited by shoppers as their top choice for planning shopping and making purchasing decisions. ("How America Shops and Spends", Frank N. Magid Associates, 2011) Eighty percent of U.S. adults who contributed money to a political organization in the past year have read a newspaper or visited a newspaper website in the past seven days.(ScarboroughResearch, 2011)
More than 70 percent of small business owners and more than 74 percent of those in management have read a newspaper or visited a newspaper website in the past seven days. (Scarborough Research, 2011)
Newspaper media reach 81 percent of households earning $250,000 or more in the average week, and more than 77 percent of households earning between $100,000 and $249,999. (Scarborough Research, 2011).
More than 70 percent of small business owners and more than 74 percent of those in management have read a newspaper or visited a newspaper website in the past seven days. (Scarborough Research, 2011)
Newspaper media reach 81 percent of households earning $250,000 or more in the average week, and more than 77 percent of households earning between $100,000 and $249,999. (Scarborough Research, 2011).